
IDWarp depends on the follow libraries: - CGNS Library - PETSc - MPI

See the MDO Lab installation guide here for the supported versions and installation instructions.

All the core computations in IDWarp are coded in Fortran. It is therefore necessary to build this library before using IDWarp.

To see a list of architectures that IDWarp has been known to compile on run:


from the root directory.

Follow the instructions and copy the closest architecture file and attempt a build using


If everything was successful, the following lines will be printed to the screen (near the end):

Testing if module idwarp can be imported...
Module idwarp was successfully imported.

If you don’t see this, it will be necessary modify the configure options in the config file.

It will most likely be necessary to modify the CGNS_INCLUDE_FLAGS and the CGNS_LINKER_FLAGS variables. After changes to the configuration file, run make clean before attempting a new build.

Lastly, to build the Python interface, go to the root directory and type:

pip install .

Some features require additional dependencies. Using IDWarp with OpenFOAM meshes in DAFoam requires pyOFM. This dependency can be checked with

pip install .[dafoam]

Using MultiUSMesh requires cgnsUtilities, which can be checked with

pip install .[multi]